Mudejar is an art genre that was created in the twelfth century and it was popular up to the seventeenth century. Mudejar is pronounced as “muh-dah-zhah-zhar” and it means “which could stay in Spain”. It was created during Reconquista by the Moors, also called Mudejars, inhabiting the Spanish land, who agreed to be baptized and faithfully serve the Crown. It manifested itself mainly in construction, sculpture, pottery, and textiles, presenting the mixture of Islamic and Christian elements (mostly Roman and Gothic).
It was the most popular during the Gothic (XV – XVI c.), when the characteristic elaborate decorations, which applied stucco, wood, and brick, were used to cover the ground to resemble embroidery or elaborate woven draperies. Muslim craftsmen’s creativity was quickly acknowledged by social elites, kings, gentry and the Church authorities, who commissioned residences, sacral buildings, and important utility buildings.
Andalusia is full of monuments constructed in mudejar style, and in several provinces we can enjoy the heritage:
Almeria Province:
Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Anunciación - Huécija
Kadyks Province:
La Iglesia de San Dionisio - Jerez de la Frontera
El castillo de Torrestrella - Medina-Sidonia
Kordoba Province:
La puerta del Perdón
La capilla Real de la Mezquita
La Casa de las Campanas
La Casa de los Caballeros
La iglesia de San Miguel
Granada Province:
La Iglesia de San José
La Iglesia del Convento de Santa Isabel La Real
El Sagrario del Convento de Santa Isabel la Real
El Minarete junto a la Iglesia de San José
La Iglesia de San Pedro y San Pablo
La Iglesia de Santa Ana
El Palacio de la Madraza
La Iglesia de San Bartolomé
La Iglesia del Salvador
La Iglesia de San Nicolás
Huelva Province:
En Aracena, Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de los Dolores - Aracena
El Monasterio de Santa Clara - Moguer
El Monasterio de La Rábida - Palos de la Frontera
Jaén Province:
La Iglesia de San Bartolomé, iglesia de la Magdalena - Jaén
La Iglesia de San Andrés - Jaén
Palacio del Condestable Iranzo - Jaén
El Convento de Santa Clara - Úbeda
La Puerta del Losal - Úbeda
La Casa Mudéjar - Úbeda
Málaga Province:
El convento de la Trinidad - Malaga
La Iglesia de Santiago - Malaga
Árchez i duża część La Axarquia (historycznego regionu Andaluzji)
Sevilla Province:
Palacio Alcázar - Sevilla
La Casa de Pilatos - Sevilla
La Casa Olea y las iglesias de Iglesia de San Julián - Sevilla
Iglesia de Santa Marina - Sevilla
Iglesia de San Marcos - Sevilla
Iglesia de Santa CatalinaIglesia de San Andrés - Sevilla
Iglesia de San Esteban - Sevilla
Iglesia de San Isidoro - Sevilla
Iglesia de San Pedro - Sevilla
Iglesia de San Martín - Sevilla
Iglesia de San Lorenzo - Sevilla
Iglesia de Omnium Sanctorum - Sevilla
Iglesia de San Sebastián - Sevilla
Iglesia de San Vicente - Sevilla
Iglesia de Santa Ana - Sevilla
Iglesia de San Juan de la Palma - Sevilla
Iglesia de San Román - Sevilla
Iglesia de San Gil e Iglesia de Santa Lucía - Sevilla
Nuestra Señora de la Oliva - Lebrija
La iglesia de Santa María de la Asunción - Mairena del Alcor
La ermita de San Sebastián y el castillo de Luna - Mairena del Alcor
La Mayor, la Iglesia de San Pedro - Sanlúca
El Monasterio de San Isidoro del Campo - Santiponce
If you visit Andalusia, make sure to take notice of the magical architecture.
Mudejar does not only mean tisual art, but also the music. The remarkable reproducers are Javier Mas and Luis Delegado, thanks to whom we can listen to music from a few centuries ago and enjoy the unique and exotic genre.
Un Saludo:)!
About the Author
Dora Mandora - passionate about technology, photography, travel, sport and healthy living. Professionally: web & graphic designer and photographer. With camera in hand explores the Iberian Peninsula's southern reaches.
Those are the lyrics of one of the greatest hits of The Beatles: Strawberry Fields Forever. John Lennon was inspired by his six-week long stay in Almeria and its neighbourhood, and, as a result, he wrote this song.